Suspense is Like a Woman

The title of this series is drawn from a statement by Alfred Hitchcock:

“Suspense is like a woman. The more left to the imagination, the more the excitement…”

In this series I wanted to explore my own feelings about my body as a site of both fear and anticipation. This series explores the stories we tell and  the mundane images of surveillance which recur in our lives. The paintings are drawn from popular television crime images. Here I use painting as a tool for exploring banal television images anew. Each painting positions the viewer as an unseen spy asking each of us to think about the pleasures of looking at a distance.


Oil on Board (framed)

30cm x 40cm



Oil on Board (framed)

30cm x 40cm


Oil on Board (framed)

30cm x 45cm



Oil on Board (framed)

30cm x 45cm



Oil on Board (framed)

30cm x 40cm



Oil on Board (framed)

30cm x 40cm



Oil on Board (framed)

30cm x 40cm



Oil on Board (framed)

30cm x 45cm



Oil on Board (framed)

30cm x 45cm



Oil on Board (framed)

30cm x 45cm



Oil on Board (framed)

18cm x 24cm



Oil on Board (framed)

18cm x 24cm


Playing at Being American

